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Bilde som viser solskader og pigmentering, en hudtilstand som gir mørke flekker og ujevn hudtone, som kan behandles for en jevnere og klarere hud.

Sun damage and pigmentation

Pigmentation appears as dark spots on the skin and is caused by an uneven overproduction of melanin. This often occurs as a result of excessive sun exposure, hormonal imbalances, melasma (pregnancy mask) or certain medications. Sun damage also causes early ageing, such as wrinkles and sagging skin, as UV rays break down collagen and elastin. To protect the skin, you should always use sunscreen, regardless of the weather or season. Even on cloudy days, UV rays can penetrate clouds and windows.

At Ljoma, we offer effective solutions for pigmentation and sun damage, including laser treatments, chemical peels, microneedling and good skin care products. Start with a consultation so we can set up a customized plan for you, since it includes clinic treatments and/or home products.

Treatment for sun damage and pigmentation

Bilde som viser kjemisk peeling som eksfolierer huden, fjerner døde hudceller og gir en glattere og jevnere hudtone.

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel removes dead skin cells, stimulates cell renewal, evens skin texture and reduces the visibility of scars.

Ansikt under microneedling med Dermapen, en behandling som gir jevnere hudstruktur og reduserer rynker, arr og aldringstegn.

The dermapen

Microneedling with Dermapen stimulates collagen production, evens out skin texture and reduces fine lines.