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Bilde av LED-lysmaske fra Dr. Dennis Gross som fremmer avslapning, velvære og forbedret hudhelse.

Relaxation and well-being

Stress and mental strain can often affect the skin as much as external factors. At Ljoma Hud, we understand that it is sometimes just as important to prioritize mental relaxation as skin care. Our relaxing treatments offer a perfect balance between mental calm and skin health, and we use gentle but effective techniques to give both skin and mind a boost. By combining deep cleansing with facial massage and soothing masks, you not only achieve fresher skin, but also a deep sense of well-being.

By reducing stress levels through relaxing treatments, you can enhance your skin's natural ability to heal and renew itself, contributing to healthier, more balanced skin over time.

Treatments for relaxation and well-being

Bilde som viser utklemming behandling hos Ljoma Hud for fjerning av urenheter og dyp rens av huden.

Squeeze out

Deep cleansing of pores with steamer and machine. Followed by a soothing mask, facial massage and serum.

Bilde som viser kjemisk peeling som eksfolierer huden, fjerner døde hudceller og gir en glattere og jevnere hudtone.

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel removes dead skin cells, stimulates cell renewal, evens skin texture and reduces the visibility of scars.

Bilde av LED-lysmaske fra Dr. Dennis Gross som fremmer avslapning, velvære og forbedret hudhelse.

Mask and led light

Led Lys stimulates cell renewal and reduces inflammation, and the mask adds nourishment and moisture.